Embracing “Both, And”
If you’ve ever struggled to fit yourself into a box, this one’s for you.
Maybe you’ve felt like a little too much of this.
Or not quite enough of that.
Whether real or imagined, I’ve always seemed to have a tough time “fitting in.” Even growing up, I wouldn’t say that I knew precisely where my personality fit best. As I’ve gotten older, I have pursued my creativity but still felt a little too left-brain to truly call myself a creative. I have aspirations of homesteading, but sometimes feel as though I’m too girly to find myself thriving in what absolutely requires a ton of grit.
But, it’s occurred to me that I’m simply making (my self-imposed) rules too rigid. I can be both, and you can too. I can appreciate the distant mountaintops and what grows from the dirt in my own backyard. I can be creative and business-savvy. I can enjoy cooking from scratch and also order pizza when we feel like it. I can be mindful of health and wellness and not live in extremes. You were meant to share your unique talents and gifts with the world. Every human is multi-faceted — that’s what makes us so special. Bringing it all together simply means telling the story that’s uniquely yours.
I could have created ‘just’ a photography website. I could have played up the portfolio aspect and what working with me is like (and those things are important). However, I wanted it to be more than a showcase of my “work,” because I am more than my work. In a world where people are so desperate for connection, I wanted an opportunity to marry the personal with the portfolio.
So, that’s what you’ll find here – a collection of useful, beautiful things. I plan to share about resources for small business owners, my beginner gardening journey, some deeper thoughts on living a creative, fulfilling life, my favorite everyday products, how to prepare for your branding photography session, our travels, how to best leverage the camera you have in your hand, and probably a lot more that falls in between.
Thanks for being here for the “both, and” – I’m grateful for you!